
Welcome to IVIE
where we can learn together

Welcome to the home of the Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs (IVIE), a special interest affiliate of the American Council of the Blind (ACB). We are happy to share our experiences as blind business owners. Our mission includes:

  • Providing a forum for blind and visually impaired business enterprises
  • Elevating the social, economic, and equality of blind and visually impaired business owners
  • Broadening vocational opportunities for blind and visually impaired entrepreneurs
  • Encouraging and assisting blind and visually impaired persons who have a potential or existing business endeavor
  • Providing for the free exchange of ideas, opinions, and information of interest to blind and visually impaired entrepreneurs through publications, email list serve, community calls and annual national conventions, conferences and business expos

We have blind and visually impaired business owners/founders in a variety of fields. Please check our IVIE business directory for a list of our members and their business listings.

Please consider supporting our special interest affiliate by becoming a member or by donating to our mission. Visit our Membership page to learn more..